Tuesday, April 16, 2013

I've Seen Miracles All Week.

God has opened the flood gates and poured out blessings. And so, I knew something without being told. PEOPLE ARE PRAYING FOR US BACK HOME. I knew it. I could feel the weight(I'm not sure if that's the best usage for it..but in a good way) of beautiful prayers on my shoulders. And it's been great. We have seen miracles abounding. 

Thanks for the letters Ashley, Mom, and Dad! OH....Hyrum, I've been a wee bit of a bum, so I just wanted to say:


Anyways, I can't wait to see the pictures of Rachel. Someone send me photos of her dress! She is a lucky person to get a vintage dress! I'm sure Ashley's a babe like always, so tell her if she gets married after graduation I'd better get a wedding invite. Or something. 
I went to the temple today...

Yes, we only get one every six months. So, today is P-day. Hooray! 

We knocked on the door of a man, and without even saying anything, he opened the door and invited us to share a message. AND he offered us water with lemon in it. Then, we sat down for an hour and a half, and we talked to him and this lady he worked with. Then, he set up another appointment, and he planned to come to church on this coming Sunday. Miraculous, right?

...We're teaching him again tommorow. We'll see how that goes cause we found out he's a minister, and his wife teaches at APU, which is a very christian very anti-Mormon college. 

We're also planning this super cool Mega-missionary month for the youth in our ward. And its going to be awesome. We want to put the youth in "districts" and with  "companions" and do a MTC kickoff kinda day. 

Ohhhhh....I'm probably going to gain  weight out here. Most likely. At least, that's what I hear happens. My companino says she gained like twenty pounds. And the one before her gained thirty punds and has only been here seven months......oh well.


I invited our investigator to be baptized, and it was scary. My companion kept looking at me, giving me the evil eye. And I kind of asked him with a really shaky voice, 

"Will you be baptized?"

But he said 'yes'. And he's getting baptized on May 5th! WAHOO! 

And tell Kyle and Stacy I am excited beyond belief for them. I tell everyone I meet that they are getting baptized! And it's amazing. 

Welp, remind me to tell you about Pam and Amanda. They are amazing. Amanda's getting baptized in June. 

Anyways, we taught many lessons this past week and it's been fun. Love you all!

Sister Staker

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