Monday, April 29, 2013

I love my mission. Can I just stay here forever?

Being a missionary has taught me so much. I understand life better, not in the sense that the facts have changed per say, but I've been there--I've experienced more of life than before. 

Like, I always knew there were a ton of less active members, but now I've visited them. I know them personally. I know their problems. I've seen how easy it is to slip into inactivity. A habit is hard to break, hard to get back into. 

Annnnywayyys, we've had some crazy experiences this last week. Our single's ward bishopric had a major switch up. Everyone was crying and bawling and feeling spiritual and all. The new bishopric is made up of the 5th ward! (Which is my family ward) and it is insane what they just did for the single's ward. 

We got almost the entire stake relief society and our ward relief society president and a bunch of amazing people. So, I guess the stake cares a lot about the single's ward! 

Some people here are quite rich, but they are really well-educated and hard-working self created they act like normal people for the most part. However, they do some things a bit over the top. For instance, we had steak (technically tritips?) at our single's ward activity. And for the YW Medallion's thing they had a beauty pageant. With a swim suit section (I kid you not....Okay, so they showed photos of them as wee kids, but still?). 

We did three service activities last week and it was so fun! We helped paint, helped this eccentric lady move, and did some of that Helping Hands stuff. The lady was kind of crazy and she had so much stuff. I'd say she was a hoarder, but she actually wanted to get rid of everything. I think she was just a shopaholic. She let us go through and pretty much get whatever we wanted. I got a bunch of free jewelry! Yes! Anyways, at the end, she wanted us all to hold hands together. Which wouldn't have been a big deal except the elders were there....luckily  I was situated between two women but my companion had a bit of an awkward experience! 

Helping Hands was amazing, and the man who's house we went to started asking us questions. Anyways, we gave him the elders information and he said he wanted to come to church! And the food afterwards was amazing cause it always is with our stake! 

We hiked to the cross with the elders, taught some lessons...Anthony gets baptized this sunday!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh, and I get to get my hair dyed for free! What?!? Awesome. I got it dyed and cut today. 

Cute photo, right? I had to put a better looking one there too. [Sarai's Sidenote: I only included the "better looking one" because you never know the cousin confidentiality clauses involved in the internet's infinancy...or whatever. ;)] I love you all! I can't believe I missed so much! But exciting. Love,

Sister Staker

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