Monday, April 22, 2013

A Week More Into It.

Well, Hello everyone. How are you all doing out there? I'm just dandy. 

A girl in the single's ward got baptized yesterday. She is pretty cute! I really like her. I never got to teach her, but she's in the ward. She was so nervous she was shaking before and everything. I took a picture with her, but I left my camera at home today--so I don't get to send it to you. Too bad...Oh, and I taught Sunday school yesterday, and I dominated. People were laughing their heads off and everything. I think they were laughing at me more than with me, but it was good.

Rick, the investigator I talked about before, came to church. AND guess what the assignments that were given forever ago were on....THE APOSTASY AND RESTORATION. Last time, he was having a hard time with it. We're going to meet again on Wednesday, but we might just drop him. He's driving me crazy, honestly! Cause he's brilliant and really kind. He runs a non-profit organization to fight women's trafficking. He looks like an apostle honestly! But there is something evil in his heart. Even though he is making good choices and studying out scriptures and praising God, I feel like Satan has a hold of that man in the sliest way. But I could be wrong. 
Anyways though, thanks to him I have become 10,000,000 times more rehearsed in the Bible. I'm studying it insanely. And I am finding out wonderful things! Why didn't I know this before. So, read the Bible kids! 

The elders in our zone are pretty 14 year old boys at boys camp..but at least they try. Sometimes, I want to punch them in the arms cause they are so disobedient though. I will have crazy stories to tell when I get back home, but I'll try not to be  too negative for now. Cause we aren't really supposed to write or say anything bad about anything. 

Oh, Mom...there was some money leftover that you gave me from the stamps, so I've been using it. Hope that's cool!

Rachel looks awesome! I am so jealous of her! I will try not to covet her dress too much. I love it though. Her jewelry was gorgeous too!

How is everyone doing? Are you excited for school to be done with? What is Ashley going to do now that she'll be graduating. 

Tell everyone thanks for the letters!  I can't wait for Kyle and Stacy!

Love you family!
--Sister Staker

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