Monday, November 25, 2013

Dzień dobry

Gin doubley!
[Sidenote: this is a greeting in Polish, like 'Good Afternoon' or such! It's spelled horribly wrong mostly likely but it'll do eh?] 
I'm going to write you all pre my Missh. President letter so I make sure you get some of the good stuff 
This week was my first on a bike, whew. My comp. and I are on a bike-share with the other sisters in our ward, meaning we switch off with the car every other week. I would like to extend my heartfelt thanks to the good people of Charlotte for not committing man-slaughter against me, even though I provided them with various opportunities to do to so. This isn't a very bike friendly city, nor is pedalling in a skirt a very Sarai-friendly route. Hahaha my first cycling excursion...let's just say I won't be wearing that concert-attire-esque black skirt any time soon...or ever (unless I could suddenly work wonders with a needle and thread?) But truly, Angels are bearing me up! I'm learning the tricks of the trade, and adore being out on the tree-lined curvy back-roads scattered with fallen leaves of all colors. Usually while doing so I sing a hymn to myself. (i.e."Carry on, Carry on, carry on!, or "though hard to you this journey may appear...!" hahahaha God speed the right, am I right?
Charlotte is a nice hub of people from everywhere. A lot of those we meet hail from New Jersey, Georgia, Virginia, NY, Alabama etc. but we've also met a good amount of first generation immigrants from Europe, India, Africa. I couldn't tell ya ALL the specifics, but I'm often talking geography with the children of God here. I'm learning more about myself. Mostly that it's not about myself. Once the world is more or less stripped away, I am finding more about what means the most to me. 
1. Truth, and the knowledge of it
2. Family, including my world-family. We are all brothers and sisters of Christ and children of our Heavenly Father. There are people I will meet here, (and maybe have met already) I'm sure I knew well before the world was! So basically all people, I love people.
Music, Travel, and my nature obsessive tendencies (these leaves though, have I mentioned them?!) are often in the back of my mind somewhere, and food. Oh dear, that food. I'm doing my best not to spend so much money on it. But anywayysss, I was telling Sister Pace the other night that one (of the) thing(s) I want get out of my mission is the attribute of selfless-ness. It's not about myself, ya know? I want to be like Christ.

I'm running out of time again, but want to be sure to tell you about some of the people here I love specifically, I won't hit all of them but they are all such dears:
Sister Lee- She is the Relief Society Pres. of the ward, and reminds me a lot of Sister Harvey. She is always super fun. Her daughter Mia is 8 and my bestie; her and Hava are bosom friends that just don't know it yet. She showed up to give Sister Pace and I a ride when we were in a bit of a pickle, without us even asking (I'm still not entirely sure how...) and saved us from having to bike about 40 mins or more in the dark (up hill both ways of course) when we had a dinner appt. I will forever be grateful! Heaven Father is indeed looking out for his missionaries! We are being taken care of so well my the members here.   
Jenneva (spelling?)- Our 20-something next-door (sort of) neighbor. She is from Sierra Lione, and is such a sweetheart. The kind of next-door (sort-of) neighbor everyone wants. She's invited us over for Thanksgiving! We said we'd make sure to stop by :)
[Sidenote: Guess what family from the ward we are going to for Thanksgiving dinner! Yep! The Lamberts :D stoked.]
Terry and April- Terry is 50-something year old black man from New York who moves furniture for a living. He loves his daughter April (age 8, perfect right?) very much and wants this for her. They are so great! The spirit was so strong the first time we taught them. They met with missionaries pretty regularly about 2-3 years ago, but lost contact when they moved apartments. God led us to them; I do believe that. They were my second Restoration lesson out in the field, and the first with a follow-up appt. (ha ha ha) We have so far had taught them the Plan of Salvation, (April participated so well), and we will continue to meet with them every Tues and Thurs, pray for them! Their baptism date is roughly Dec. 21st.
Megan- We met Megan sitting smoking on her porch as we were riding by on our bikes. She is soft and kind. Her last name is Robey and she was wearing a robe! I pointed that out, and laughed way too hard at my own joke. I'm stoked to meet with her again and hear about her Book of Mormon reading. She was was first baptismal invite, she said she "sure would." !!!! Um...ohmygosh the Church is true.
Carlos- We met him last weekend I believe, but shared the message of the Restoration with him yesterday afternoon. Carlos moved here from Mexico with his family about 14 or so years ago, we ran into his mom and sister another day as they were walking their dog, and it was in no way coincidence. 
Wesley-Older Polish man who we met while he was washing his silver mini cooper, (which of course reminded me of my Galarza loves) of whom I learned my vocab. We don't even have a return appt. with him, but I love him so much. Sister P. remarked afterwards that he reminded her very much of President Uchtdorf. Somehow, I feel he identifies with me more than most, I thanked my heavenly Father that he put Wesley, even if for a few minutes, in my path.
Roman-From Moldova, lives across the street the the Eldery Moulton couple in our ward. Was stoked that I knew where that was. He is so nice and runs a handmade soap business with his wife (who I think is Cambodian?) after talking to him for a bit, about life and Joseph Smith and "a pillar of light" etc. as we bid farewell, he gave Sister P and I each a bar of soap. Like this is gourmet, special all-natural stuff. It was such an honor. I don't think I'll ever use that bar beyond decoration, I treasure it.
With Sister Bigham I learned to turn outward, as together we learned about the character of Christ and tried to apply it more and more to our own characters. Sister Pace is teaching me diligence. She is very by the book, and just what I need. (Think Emma from the Australian teen mermaid soap. but an amazing missionary, and with a smile so bright it toasts bread (?)) From Sister Jen Kramer (a new convert in the ward) I'm learning, by her example, of tender gratitude.

On Friday Elder Cook (Yeah, of the Quentin L. variety!) and Sister Cook spoke at our mission conference. It. was. incredible. President Craven had asked us to be prayerfully considering questions we could ask him as an Apostle (one of the only twelve living on earth) and I thought about about that and came up with a small pool of questions I could choose from as I felt prompted. There didn't end up being a Q and A at the end like we had thought, but let me tell you, every single one of the questions I had thought of, (one regarding the application of the power of the Atonement, another about the defintion of "elect," I had wondered about the process of how they assign missions...) Every one of them was answered nontheless. I took like 6 pages of notes. I cried. There were times in the conference I believe President Craven and Sister Craven were crying as well. It was just so good, believe me. The power of the Spirit is just unfathomable. The love of Heavenly Father has for us is just unfathomable.
Something that we do as missionaries to encourage specific action from those we teach, and to know for themselves, is in the form of "Will you...?" statements. Elder Cook said on Fri that it is in inviting others to make commitments that we can, as missionaries, best prepare them to...well, eventually live with there Father in Heaven again. 
So family, and my brothers and sisters worldwide...whoever is reading this; 
-"Will you pray to God and ask specifically if he is there, and if he loves you?" If you do it sincerely and with real intent I know you will know for yourself that he is, and that he does.
-"Will you family, answer the phone when missionaries call, and/or call them back asap?" 'Cause please, I've left so many one-sided voicemails that I just forget how many and who even I've called.
-"Will you family, pray for those I have written of, that they'll strengthen their desires to come closer to Christ?"
-"Will you, try a little harder to be a little more like Christ in all you do, and turn outward?" I will too. And I do hope I always can.
I love you so! Please write me more about how goes with all of you! Tell Gram how very grateful and touched I am for all the letters she's sent me, what an inspiration that woman is! She has become like Christ, as I hope to do. And the Highland 39th YW as well! That package was too kind. And Bee, Galey, and Mrs. Cua, and Jamie, for your emails ugh. they just lit me up :) And thanks to Mike and Donna, Steve and Avelina and Amber (and boys) for the Dear Elders and continued support, and to everyone who prays for me,  this email is for you, through your prayers you are assisting is building up Christ's kingdom on earth! Love, love, and more love! xx,

Sister Lambert

Friday, November 15, 2013

Gettin' Better all the Time 

FAMILY! Oh my. I can't believe one week ago I woke up at 2:15 am (does that really count as waking up though, really?) and made my way to Charlotte. I wrote in my journal that my first thought when stepping out of the airport was that I was home. It's sunny here like Socal, and the incredible fall leaves and colorful trees remind me of Utah. While riding from there to the mission home my sisters (in Zion) and I remarked how beautiful it was, and "why don't we just move out here" hahahaa the response was that we are! The Lord has called us here to live and love and learn and teach. And it has become like home. After spending monday night in the mission home we went to the mission office the next morning which is a different building like 15-20 mins down the road. The office is in the Hilliard building that Aunt Donna attended and told me about, I told like everyone the would listen that it was was aunt's old meetinghouse. ;) That afternoon we were assigned companions, and I will swear I knew who my trainer was when she was called up. Her name is Sister Pace, and she claims Jackson County Missouri like I claim HB, California. Guess where her family lives now? You'll nevvvverrr get it! Yep, Highland Utah. What up. And she too attended Lone Peak for a short while. My sister from Zion, united by Christ and also by Utah. Sister Pace and I have been assigned to open a new area. She's only 3 months out, and I am none. I guess Heavenly Father trusts us a lot? We are in the University City area, UNC being just next door :) Running out of time! But Pray for me will ya? Tracting is terrfying. I love the Lord and would rather be where I am right now more than anywhere else. The church is true, this I know.
Sister Lambert
2013 November E-Mail Attachment.JPG

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

MTC . . . Truth . . . (The empty sea is filling me up).

Here's my district! Such a GREAT picture, right? Our Branch President took it...of course my eyes are closed, some things don't change! Week walked to the temple grounds on Sunday, ONE WEEK exactly since I went there with Hannah Holbrook, I was all sentimental about my "past life." Love you!

Inline image 1
Our first day as missionaries! I was SOOO stoked all day, what a surreal experience! I kept looking down at my tag with bewilderment, ahhh! And now, tonight after dinner will be giving out advice to those who are now in the shoes (skirts?) we were in just a week ago! Crazy, how much can change!

Inline image 2

In Which I Sing Hymns While I Run, and Hey I Actually Run...and other stuff. I Cry.

FAMFAMFAM fammyfamfam! 
I've been thinking all week, like each day and night about what I wanted to write home to you about, something you would enjoy and could maybe learn from. On Sunday in our tiny branch/zone's fast-and testimony meeting I said something similar when I went up. However sometimes I think, if we have the desire to speak and don't know quite what to say, if we exercise faith, and just begin then it will come. :) (WAIT AIN"T THAT WHAT I SAID IN MY FAREWELL TALK?!)
The MTC is like another planet. I've ran that by a few other Elders and Sisters and they are in agreement. We forget we're in Utah, we forget the days of the week, we almost forget even our first names. (It's like a special secret when someone shares their first name with you.) But, as I was saying to a non-member lady just yesterday (and she cried, and I cried) we're all here for a very special reason. Here are all these young kids, at a crucial time in their lives, a lot of them leaving behind important things...but we're here because we want to be; because what we know and what we have makes us so happy and fills us with such peace. It would seem that we are literally paying money to give up a lot. But in reality we are giving up so little compared to how much we are gaining.
The Gospel of Jesus Christ can transform our very nature. I know that is true. I am seeing it in myself. 
I still hum Andrew Bird songs, (and Dr. Dog and...actually a lot of secular music) without realizing. But when my companion and I burst out in random song, while running the other day, it was "The Spirit of God" that we used to keep us going.
Um. I, Sarai Lambert have been working out. (Did you catch that?!?) I, Sarai Lambert am woke up this morning at 5:50am to vacuum mats. (our hymn then was "Praise to the Man") I, Sarai Lambert am (well sometimes anyway) on time to things. I, Sarai Lambert sit and focus in a classroom for like 4 hour blocks.  I, Sarai Lambert am not the Sarai I once was. I am Sister Lambert now and can never go back. I am Sister Lambert now, and I just lovelovelove it. (How serious was that little spiel?!)
I cry almost every hymn, tears fall almost every prayer. Every testimony, every lesson. Sister Bingham (my comp.) said (okay she was exaggerating...I think anyway) that someone can just walk in the room with a name-tag on, and there I'll be, crying about it. We were reading Ether 17:7 in class what like 2 days ago, (like two lifetimes ago?) And I straight-up was almost sobbing. In class. But never, I don't think once, out of the "like a million" (-Sister Bingham) times I've cried a day, has it been out of sorrow. Honestly. The Gospel of Jesus Christ just fills me up, ya know? The tears of joy just can't stop won't stop.
Another thing I've we pray about 27 times a day, and that's probably an accurate number. Each prayer I've heard this past week given by a missionary almost always includes, "Dear Heavenly Father, we are so grateful for the opportunity we have to be missionaries." So. Grateful. That's what's up.
The MTC to me is not like the spiritual prison-compound some missionaries had made it out to seem. To me it's more like Hogwarts. (I hope you enjoy that reference Havs!) Incredible stuff is going on here. Instead of magic I'm seeing miracles.

There's like so much more I want to share with you! But I don't want to defer too much from my testimony of this great work...forgive me yeah? ;) 
My companion is from (surprise!) Alpine, Utah! Right near Westfield elementary, and her lil' sis attends Lone Peak HS as well, fancy that? She I guess was in Rob and Julie's ward when they lived over there years ago, and remembers their red-roofed house up the road. She is an athlete who likes to be on time, so needless to say we are learning loads from each other. She is crazy. And fun. We're the blonde curly-haired Sisters who are always being too loud. ;) We've been the only sisters in our room, our district, and our zone. We get special treatment but c'mon we totes deserve it. We are the two Sister Training Leaders by default, but really our former mission President-Branch President said that even if there were 20 other sisters we'd probably still be it because there was a special spirit about us together. I'd like to think that's true. I know more than ever the importance of companionship. Sister Bingham is my second witness (Alma 10:12), but she also is like a sister to me. We are not always on the same page, or even on the same chapter sometimes, (lolz) but we love each other and that is what matters most, and why I think we have that "special spirit."
At first I viewed the Elders in our district like my babies, but really they're warriors, we all are. Utah, Idaho, Nevada, Arizona, Washington, California (myself, sorry can't help it) out to our "corners of the earth." That's something Elder Ashcraft said our first night "and," he goes, " I guess South Dakota's my corner." So good. I've met missionaries here from across the globe, Finland, The Marshall Islands, Germany, Hong Kong, Sri Lanka, the Czech Republic etc. etc.  All so strong and here for basically the same reason I am. In our zone we've got Charlotte, NC, Rapid City, SD, and New Delhi and Bangalore India. Our Milwaukee, Wisconsin Elders went on in the field on Monday morning. Pray for them will you? Elder McMore's testimony has changed me. Pray for him. AND we get new Elders AND SISTERS to our zone TODAY! I can't wait to meet them, I think they're (Elders) Richmond, VA (yay! next door!) and (Sisters) Farmington, NM.  Sister B. and I will be training those ladies with our one week longer seasoned status. ;)
I LURVE my name tag, it's becoming like a limb for me. When we take them off in the gym, in the temple, even to sleep, 'tis sad. I would like to continue to have one post-missh. All that met and saw me would know right-off what I stood for. What if we all had them, stating directly what we were about? Under my name, mine might read, "Disciple."
We went to the Provo Temple this morn. it was lovely, and special I thought about the Celestial Kingdom and ya know fluff stuff like dat.
Whew. I want to have more to say next week! We were trying to get some faaaantaaastic pics out to ya, but Sister B's camera won't connect, I don't know if anyone's been able to, so hopefully next time! We'll be traveling on Monday leaving at 3:30am for Charlotte! (stop over in Atlanta) and I can call!!! Probs around 4-5 am? I'm sure you'll basically be partying up anywayysss, right? Mom, I'll try your number first! Well fam, (and friends?)
The church is true, the book is blue, we'll bring the world his truth.
Much love! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Twenty X's for my twenty years! My birthday was the bestest ever, nothing real specific happened it was just great, 'cause it wasn't about myself, ya know? Okay, more on that later!)
Sister Lambert
p.s. Got your package, the leaves were great and totes something I woulda send ;) my fattie fatster Waldorf pencils came in the mail today too! I cried. But that's nothing new.