Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Hello from the MTC!

Hello cute family! I love you all dearly. :) The MTC is a lot of fun, and I really love it here. It's extremely busy. But it is superb! Thank you to Ashley for the cute little letter. And dad, thanks so much for all the letters. They really mean a lot. I love getting mail every day. I am so excited when  I finally get to read the letters at night!

I wish I could tell you all the interesting going ons here at the MTC. There are quite a few experiences, but they are plentiful. Oh, the other day they were giving us all jobs to do for the ward such as district leader, coordinating sister, etc. They gave everyone a job but me. They skipped over me, and I was  just sitting there. Then, after everyone else was asked, they realized they had skipped someone. So, they told me my job. Music coordinator.  I started laughing hysterically. "Oh no," I said. "That's my worst fear." My branch president came up to me afterward and called me Sister Music.  Good story, right?

Today is P-day, and I finally had time to curl my hair! Hooray! It's so busy. We're supposed to wake up at 6:30 and be at our next place by 7:00. Clearly, this schedule must have been made by a man.  Sadly enough, the group of three elders are usually the last ones to get to the classroom. It's getting hard to stay on task. After a few days of study time, it's easy to get distracted. I have a hard time not talking. But we made a list of goals yesterday, so hopefully we all start to stick to those goals.

I love my teachers. They are brilliant. Some of their personal insights may not be completely perfect always, but they are really great in understanding and fun people! SUPER FUN PEOPLE! We role play everyday. We teach our sister teacher as our investigator. And she is hard! I don't mind so much, but it was a bit hard on my companion at first cause she took it personally. Sometimes though, people aren't going to listen no matter what we say.

In my district, everyone is either going to Arcadia or Tempe Arizona. And we are the best of friends. There are many sister missionaries at the MTC now. It might not quite be 50/50 but it's almost there I'd say! 

This is my district. Aren't we so cute??? We have a lot of fun together! All the time.  But we work really hard all the time too. And many of us get super stressed and have it really rough! Mostly for me, I have loved it though. I only had a really rough time for a few hours one day.

Starting from the bottom, there's me. Of course! Next to me is my companion Sister Chambers. She is really great, and she helps me reach higher than I would on my own. She has a really strong testimony and she's great. Beside her, is Sister Fjeldsted. The "J" is not a typo. But you would pronounce it Feldsted or Fieldsted if you wanna be technical. She is from Minnesota and is used to cold weather.  Then, is the sweet Sister Longstaff. She grew up in Saudi Arabia, and she is awesome! She just turned 24 yesterday. We did what we could to celebrate her birthday, but there isn't much leeway. Up top are all the elders. The top two over me are the zone leaders named Elder Allred and Elder Rogers. They are the zone leaders....Tell you more later. Love you!

Sister Staker