Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Written February 13, 2011:

Once upon a time, A baby named Amy Michelle Staker was born.

For six months, she was forced to exist in a world with only half a heart.

Then, one bright day, her half was wholed--and Sarai Lambert came into her life.

It may have taken a couple of years, but Amy and Sarai stuck to each other like peanut butter and jelly.

Even though Sarai lived in California, an Amy (Michelle)lived in many places --they were the best of friends.

They talked about everything from boys to dreams to polygamy.

Thy got in trouble at EFY for having slap fights. They made up interview shows ad they ate junk food.

Most importantly, they were there for one another. Through thick and thin, blue and white, Waldorf and Stansbury, they made life a good gift with each other's companionship.

Thus, Amy knew that God loved her-- because he gave her the greatest gift of all time. A true Best Friend. 

The End